Whether you’re male or female, weights training is the best way to tone up. It promotes muscle growth, and increasing muscle mass is the major factor in increasing your metabolism. Cardio training will increase your metabolism for a short amount of time, however weights training increases your metabolism for many hours afterwards as your body works hard to build muscle and replenish the stores that it has just used. If you wish to get really serious about toning up, we will work in conjunction with my preferred sports dietician, Lauren James.
Kim is a good example of someone who toned up doing weights training. I met Kim when playing mixed touch football one evening. We were in a close game and the score was locked at 4-4 with only a few minutes left on the clock when one of the opposition made a break. My friend Liz took chase and dived to make a try saving touch. In the process however, she accidentally ankle-tapped the ball runner, who landed face first in the mud (it had been raining earlier). The ball runner stood up with mud all over her face, and clearly quite angry. She was about to say something to Liz when they recognized each other. “Liz!” And what was about to be an angry discussion suddenly became two old friends shrieking delightedly and hugging.
After the game we all got acquainted, and after chatting for a while Liz brought Kim over and introduced us. Kim was looking for a personal trainer and specifically wanted to tone up. She booked some regular sessions, and we started training. Kim liked being outside, so we trained in the park. I got her to use a combination of dumbbells, resistance bands and body-weight exercises. Within a few months of consistent training, she began to notice more definition in her arms and legs. She also commented that she felt stronger. This strength, she told me, meant that she was more agile when playing touch footy. Kim was so happy with her results that she has now organised her friends to meet up regularly and they all follow little workouts that she designs for them.
For further information, contact me for a free consult.
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